The pumpkin patches. White, green and warty pumpkins. Skulls. Witches. The Costumes! Halloween parties. Soup. PINE NUTS! Halloween play lists, and the spooky movies. The haunted houses and thrills. The whole creepy aesthetic. The perfect walks. THE COLORS OF THOSE LEAVES THO.
I love the stunning colors that make our mountains look like a velvet fuzz. The last burst of life before the soul-freezing, long-ass-winter. It seems like we only get a short time of that perfect 70 degree hoodie season before the Christmastime madness and the time-warp into next year. So, I will take a pumpkin spice everything and you KNOW this witch lives in her black leggings already.
The Halloween love is strong in my Remi girl— and I am all about it! ☠️ I have been soaking in every ounce of Remi’s excitement and wonder this spooky season. Trying to paint all the little details in my head so I never forget these simple moments with my family. Really trying to live outside of my busy head, and relish in the moment as it is happening. I say this so much– but I honestly love being her mom.
Life with this girl truly fills my soul!

Enjoy the Visual dump of ALL THE Fall things

Remi is obsessed with Nightmare Before Christmas, and hasn’t stopped talking about the “pirate ride” from our short Disneyland trip last year. The idea came up to take her for her birthday, and our crazy assess went with it. All three of us were so freaking excited!! We visited California Adventure one day, and then Disneyland on her actual birthday. MAGIC.
If you haven’t been to Disneyland during halloween time, I highly recommend it. Nightmare before Christmas takes over the Haunted Mansion, you can catch characters in costumes, and the decorations are on point! Don’t even get me started on the delicious treats.

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the colors of fall. I love living in Utah because the mountains are powerful and oh, so pretty. This fall drive is STUNNING! The yellows in the dark greens. The oranges, the reds! It is absolutely breathtaking.
It makes me feel so dang good inside, to be outside drenched in these colors.
Photos do not even do justice. Check out last years colors here.

Our favorite pumpkin patch! We wish we could have spent more time there this year. We spent Remi’s last birthday at this spooky gem! They have all the different kinds of pumpkins– for a good price too. The pumpkin wall is iconic, and the thriller park is so much spooky fun. That silly Remi girl loves to get her face painted anywhere we go.

My hunk of a husband is getting finer with age, I swear. We went to Sleep Token the night of his birthday. Date nights don’t happen enough around here– but I am determined to knock all of these of off our date night list in 2023!

Dang, I did not expect the awesomeness that is Cornbelly’s! We went on a freezing cold night, and Remi had an accident pretty early on– so she got to hang out in her spare sweats all night lol. Next year, we are going at least twice. Okay Thanksgiving point, you finally sold me on a pass. I cave.

Oh man, do we love to dress up!? Or maybe I just do, and Dave is a good sport. Since APRIL Remi has been telling me that she wants to be Zero, Mommy to be Sally, and Daddy to be Jack. What a dang good idea! I Pinterested my heart out, and decided I just need to make my own rag-doll dress. Remind me next year to buy my costume– at least it turned out better than my chicken costume from last year lol.
From the classic soup party at Grandma Mellen’s house, to the toddler time spooky stories, to the creepy carnival party. The halloween party love runs deeeeeep. Don’t worry guys, Mikey and I will throw another epic halloween party one year– jungle juice and all.

Such a cool new activity! Remi gets so excited to drive by the haunted house, but we didn’t want to scar her. New this year, Nightmare on 13th lets you walk through the epic attraction without all the actors, jumps or scares. All three of us genuinely enjoyed this. They really do such a stellar job with all the details and effects in each of the many different rooms. Take out the anxiety and call it perfection.

We thought painting was a little safer for our Remi girl– and she loved it! Besides, she did not dare to touch the pumpkin guts or even try the toasted seeds. Silly girl :). Even the smallest traditions are so much more fun with her.

Finally, the moment we have been waiting for! Remi has talked about trick or treating, almost every day since least year. Rem and I tagged along with our neighbor friends this year, while Dave handed out Reese’s and slap bracelets with his cool fog machine.

This year, I challenge you to live less in the stress of your head this holiday season. Focus less on all the little details and perfection, and more on the togetherness and connection that Christmastime brings.
Presence is the greatest present.