It all started with some tender breasts and a little blue +
It was Friday, February 15 2019. I woke up with the most tender breasts I have ever had. I was due for my period the next day, and decided if I woke up Saturday without any cramps I would take a pregnancy test!
That night I stopped at the gas station for three gallons of distilled water for our home-brew kombucha and a pregnancy test.
The goofy guy at the gas station said: “Ohh, someone is feeling lucky,” and then: “Wait, what is the water for?” hahaha I will never forget this silly moment in history.
I gave him a nervous giggle, and thought to myself: Am I lucky? or will I be unlucky? Was I pregnant or was I not? I didn’t dare take it Friday night because I thought for sure I’d wake up to my date with Aunt Flo.
I woke up Saturday morning cramp free, feeling good. So I peed on that little white stick–I never anticipated it to turn positive so. freaking. fast!
H O L Y C O W!!
SO many emotions were felt in that one little [life changing] moment.
I was kind of stunned. I was happy, I was scared. I wanted to tell David SO bad! I immediately started looking up how I was going to announce it to him. I also looked up cute ways to announce it to our parents, gender reveal ideas, and I even joined the pampers club lol.
We had Valentine’s plans that day, so I quickly ordered a cute little “Player 3” onesie and some baby Chuck Taylors. It was killing me not to tell him right then– but I wanted to make it super cute, and extra special.
FINALLY after the longest week everrrrrr.
I had all the supplies for the “daddy box.”
I called David into the office, and I told him I had gotten him a little something– he completely did not expect the life blasting news that he just received.
Although the weight of that exciting secret was dying to escape me all week; I was very happy I waited to tell him this way. His reaction was better than I imagined it would be, and I totally cried.

How we told everyone else:
We announced it to both sets of our parents and our closest friends with this adorable little scratch off cards from Petal Paper Co on Etsy.

We broke the news to my Grandma, Grandpa and extended family with our favorite Almond poppy cake with Bavarian cream from Granite Bakery, at Sunday dinner March 10th, 2019.
How we announced on social media:
“We are excited to announce our greatest adventure yet! Expected October 2019! #12weeks #llamas”

It’s a….
May 26th, 2019 after another delicious Sunday dinner at Grandma Mellen’s house, we announced the gender of our babe!
We ordered smoke and confetti cannons from genderrevealsupplies.com. The smoke cannons were freaking awesome, but the confetti we had to muscle a bit to finally work.

^ Both Facebook and Instagram friends predicted right!! ^

Maternity pictures | September 15, 2019
Just about 36 weeks pregnant! [35.6 wks.]

Work, Work, School, Work –> Induction @ 39.1
David and I worked full time right up to the day I was induced. In fact, I went in for the cervical ripening part of my induction after working on the floor for a busy 12 hour shift! One of the doctors I work with, joked that is an excellent way to max out my maternity leave. I figured I might as well work if I was feeling this good, or else I would just sit home and worry about what was come. Dang, why is anticipation sometimes the worst part of an experience?
I just finish my BSN degree in nursing, right at the beginning of October; so I was now ready to fully focus on Remi and getting her here safely.
Working in labor & delivery for so long I see the worst of the worst. I was trying to keep calm and focus on every single happy delivery– because that is how most of them are! Every last delivery is such an incredible miracle, and I consider myself very honored I have seen so many miracles over the years.
The last few weeks of being pregnant gave me some pretty good anxiety about her safety. At 39 weeks, thanks to the ARRIVE study. My doctor, David and I; chose to be electively induced for peace of mind.