I cannot believe my Remi girl is TWO!
Remi is obsessed with Baby Shark right now, so we had a little Baby Shark Two Two Two party!
There are so many darling party ideas for turning two. Check out my TWO Pinterest board here. Some ideas we considered were: In TWO the Wild, TWO WILD, TWO-fruity, TWO-sweet, Taco TWOsday and TWO the moon. We ultimately let Remi Decide– and baby shark won, hands down!
My mother and grandmother were going to be gone for her actual birthday, so we celebrated a week early so they did not miss out.
Here are the highlights from her TWO big birthday celebrations!


We had chicken croissants with eyes on toothpicks for “crab-wiches.” Shark bait, Fish bait, Candy Coral! “Fish & Chips,” Sand-dollar cookies, Grape Coral sticks.
My grandmother made her famous carrot cake, and my personal favorite: a jello cake!

Last year for her ONEderland party, we discovered the marvelous Mort’s Rentals!
This year, we rented a giant connect four, giant Jenga, jumbo blocks and corn hole.
Although the birthday girl was completely happy to play on the playground the entire time.

Shark headbands and beachballs for party favor wins!
We found our shark family shirts from Amazon, and we made sea coral from $1 pool noodles! ๐

After everyone ate and played, we sang to our sweet Remi girl– but she was way too busy to open presents, so we took most of them home and opened them there.
Oh boy, is that girl loved and spoiled!!


I wanted her actual birthday day to be a special day for her as well. She woke up that morning with the kitchen and living room decorated in baby shark and balloons– SHE LOVED IT! ๐
We spent the day doing all her favorite things: playing with her little people farm, playing outside and going SWIMMING! ๐
We also took her to Kuwahara’s pumpkin patch and let her pick out some pumpkins.
That evening we sang: “Happy Birthday” to her, with the shark family balloons–since actual grandma and grandpa shark were out of town. Then we had some cheesecake to celebrate.
What a fun filled day, celebrating our brilliant babe.

How does two years go by so fast?
Remi girl LOVES to sing, and I LOVE her little voice.
Some of her favorite songs are: “ABCs”, “Here I am, Here I am,” “Twinkle, Twinkle little star,” and “Happy Birthday.”
I love her arm tickles, and the way she says: “Hug you,” “Just five more minutes, Mom” and “Piano.”
I love how she says her affirmations every night, and her never ending stories when I am rocking her at night.
I love her curiosity and wonder for the world. I love her sponge of a brain, and hearing her explain the things of the world to me.
I love how much joy and light she brings into this world.
I love to be your mom, Remi Jane Olsen.