I have been hesitant to post this, because it still does not feel real!
Being a Life Flight nurse has been a dream of mine since I became a nurse in 2016. I remember telling Melanie Longmore in my first nurse interview, when she asked about my 5 year plan– I wanted to be on the High Risk OB Life Flight team at IMC.
Exactly 5 years to the month, I accepted a position on the High Risk OB Life Flight team.
Somebody pinch me.
I worked my tail off to get here. I spent three years in the float pool for some stellar labor and delivery experience. I left my amazing float pool schedule and dropped to the bottom of the tenure list at IMC, to get more high risk labor and delivery experience. I went back to school to get my BSN. I even interviewed last year and they chose someone different, but I would not take no for an answer!!
I actually feel like the timing worked out in my favor– last year I was newly postpartum, (aka a hot mess,) and then of course the GLOBAL COVID_19 PANDEMIC. It just felt like the time was right when the posting was listed this year.
During my fly along I got to experience the rotor (helicopter), fixed wing (airplane), and ambulance– which is lucky, because my first call on my own was JUST THAT.
A rotor to the airport, and fixed wing to RAWLINS, WY and an ambulance to finish it up.

High Risk OB call is slightly different than the rest of the team.
Normally as a Life Flight RN you would take call at the base, and wait for the tones to drop. As a HROB Life Flight RN I am working my normal shift on the labor and delivery unit, and have to pass off my patient(s) when I get a call. Hopefully this may change in the future, and we can help out with a lot more calls– either adult or neonate transfers.
Life Flight is unique in the fact that it does offer specialties other than adult and pediatrics. We also have specialty in OB, neonatal, respiratory and LVAD.

It makes my job a little more risky, and a bit more stressful. Not all of my family members are happy with my new position either. I know it is cliche but you really do only live once, so you have to do something for yourself, and work hard to make your goals and dreams come true.
I am honored to be part of such a bad ass team.