I have been dying for a road-trip up the Pacific Coast Highway, adventuring into the Redwood Forest, and making our way up to Oregon to visit friends…
— But since we only had the weekend off, I had to plan a much shorter trek.
I found out that David has never been to Moab, so I planned a little weekend-getaway with a surprise stop on our way down south.
Friday, when David was off work, I was already packed up and ready to hit the road. David was completely stumped as to where we were heading. It was amusing to hear all of his predictions on the way down.

I had seen pictures of Mystic Hot Springs on Instagram. Those bathtubs of theirs, utterly intrigued me. After doing a little research, I learned you could stay the night in a renovated nature bus!!! Is that not the coolest thing ever?! We pulled up to this enchanting place as I break the news to David: “What if I told you, we were staying in a bus tonight?”
It was such a whimsical and funny little surprise! We checked in and noticed they even had a llamas!! We settled in to our cute Althea Bus, and when it got dark we walked up to the hot-springs for a nice long soak. After, we cuddled up and watched a movie on our phone, in our unique little gypsy accommodations.
We both would like to go back and stay a few nights at Mystic Hot Springs, or check out one of their summer concerts!! Have you been down to visit yet??