Hi, I am here to tell you the most important thing I have learned in life:
You know that critical need of putting your oxygen mask on before you help others with theirs? Same goes for life. You have so much more time and energy to give if you are taking care of yourself first.
If you are not taking care of yourself, and your fundamental human needs: physically, emotionally, nutritionally, spiritually. You are not giving your best self to anyone.
If you are running on empty you will feel sluggish, more irritated, and less patient. You will start holding resentment in your heart. Hello anxiety and dark thoughts.
It is not selfish to put yourself first— in fact it is the opposite of selfish.
You need self care– and I am not talking a shower. That is basic hygiene!
You need quality YOU time.
You need time to recharge and to fill your bucket.
You need to ask for help if you are struggling to get enough sleep, or finding time to shower.
It is not all your responsibility to keep the house clean, and: YES! The dishes can wait.
It is more thank ok to take an hour off, or even a day– or even an hour each day! Find what works and take what you need.
If you don’t already, schedule self care time in. Yes, I said: SCHEDULE IT!!
Get some child care, get your ass ready, and show up for yourself.
It is the very basic, most simple concept — yet it makes the biggest impact.
For me, it has been hot-pilates and therapy. Physical movement every single day has been the biggest impact for a better head-space. A better head-space makes me more grateful. Being grateful makes me more present. It is like an upward spiral that effects every aspect in life.
Here is a giant list of self-care ideas:
The more full your bucket is, the more power you will have in you when times get hard.
When I feel myself running on empty.
or on very high emotions.
or bugged by the littlest of things.
or when I find myself anxiously zoning about all the things I have to do:
It is over-due time for some self care.
When your bucket is only 20-30% you will start getting bitter, and holding resentment. That is not a pleasant head space to endure.
I have learned recently that you can actually pre-load your bucket if you know you are going to have a hard week, or do something that you know will drain you.
When I take care of myself— everything else in life is more enjoyable to take care of.
Taking care of my self helps me want to better care for my family– to feed and nourish them too. I genuinely enjoy being around them, and giving them all the love I have– because I feel filled up.
It helps me be more present and calm in the moment. It helps in all aspects of life: better sleep, more energy, more mentally clear, better relationships, all around feeling healthier and stronger. Especially helps with a dark head spaces and anxiety feelings.
I am more intentional in what I eat, because I am more in-tune to what fuels me.
It has helped so much in my life that people actually have asked what I am doing different, and I tell them: SELF-CARE. ❤❤❤