Since APRIL—Remi has wanted to be Zero from Nightmare before Christmas,
“Mommy to be Sally, and Daddy to be Jack!”
So I made it happen!

Remi’s Zero costume we scored on Amazon. We added white long-sleeve jams for warmth, and a white tutu for a ghosty flow.
David’s Jack costume and gloves we found from Spirit Halloween.
I have always wanted to sew my own patchwork Sally dress!! I found a simplicity pattern from Ebay, and I used stretch knits that I found at JoAnns.

Since I wanted authentic patch work like hers, I pieced it together as I followed the pattern the best I could. It is far from perfect, but luckily it is suppose to be raggety.
At each fabric seam I added bulky hand stitches with black silk cotton for extra cute details.
I found the darling Sally tights, gloves and makeup from Spirit Halloween. 🫶🏼