Spring is so vitalizing after the long soul sucking winter cold in Utah
I appreciate the spring time, now more than ever.
The days are starting to get longer, the trees and flowers are starting to bloom.
It is so refreshing to be outside and inhale all the fresh growth going on in the world.
In honor of springing into warmer weather, I have compiled my favorite Spring activities around Utah in hopes that you get the Spring fever too.
[Updated for 2024]
There are a ton of baby animal festivals and celebrations around Utah in the Springtime.
Our favorite Baby Animal Festival by far, is the one at Cross E Ranch!!
In fact, we love it so much that I have an entire post dedicated to the Baby animal Festival at Cross E Ranch found here.
Their Animal Festival runs this year from April through May!

While you are there, do yourself a favor and try the fresh apple cinnamon doughnuts!
I am not usually a doughnut fan, but it was by far the best doughnut I have ever had.

🐮 The Farm at Gardener Village has a petting zoo, pony rides and an opportunity to feed the farm animals.
🐮 This is the Place has a Baby Animal Celebration April 13th, 2024.
🐮 Thanksgiving Point Farm Country has cow milking, pony and tractor rides, and a Lamb and Wool Festival April 20, 2024.
🐮 Wheeler Farm has baby animals, a cow train, and a tractor ride!
🐮 American West Heritage Center has Baby Animal Days April 13, 20, & 27 2024
Walks in the Park
There are so many stunning parks around our state!
Some of our favorite places to walk in the spring are:
Big Cottonwood Canyon trail from Knudsen Park
The International Peace Gardens at Jordan park

The Cherry Blossom trees at the Utah State Capitol
Just W🌸W. Photos do not even do justice.
Late March to early April, check out over 400 Yoshino cherry trees that line Memorial Walkway around Capitol Hill.

Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point
Stunning gardens to wander and soak in.
Running this year from April 8th- May 18th, 2024

Adventures at Wheeler Farm
We love to wander around the farm, feed the ducks, and explore the woods, parks & trails.
It is free to wander, and it is open every day from dawn to dusk. They also have a fun wagon ride or cow train for $3!
They also have many events here
Their Sunday Market starts mid May and runs through most of October.